Privacy policy and DeeP Project comply with the applicable regulations in order to protect the privacy of users, especially the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data of the EU. This document defines the procedures for collecting and processing the user’s personal data.
Users of the and DeeP Project services (hereinafter: Users) are instructed to read everything stated on this page in order to better understand what data is collected and processed by and DeeP Project, for what purpose, based on which legal basis, with to whom and why it shares them, what protective measures it implements and what your rights are related to access to personal data, correction, deletion and your right to object.
Any User who has any questions regarding personal data can send an e-mail message to the address
By accepting this Privacy Statement, the User confirms that he has read, understood and agrees to the processing of personal data as determined by this Statement.


What type of personal data is collected and processed by and DeeP Project?
When registering a User, or when starting business cooperation, and DeeP Project may ask the User to provide certain information about themselves (personal data), such as name and surname, address (including postal code), e-mail address, telephone number , date of birth, curriculum vitae, documents proving statements from the curriculum vitae, etc. and all other personal data submitted by the User on his own initiative. The user confirms that he agrees to the processing of personal data. You are not obliged to give your consent to the processing of data that is not relevant or prescribed by law for the purpose of collecting personal data.

Providing personal data is the User’s decision. If the User does not provide the requested mandatory information for a specific activity that requires it, he will not be allowed to participate in such an activity, because without this information the activity will not be technically feasible. 

In addition to this data, we automatically collect data from your computer, which may include the IP address, and there are also situations in which we automatically collect other types of data, such as the date and time of access to the Internet page, information about the hardware, software or Internet browser you use, as well as about your computer’s operating system and application version and your language settings.

For what purpose do and DeeP Project collect and process personal data? and DeeP Project collect and process the User’s personal data for the purpose of better understanding the User’s needs and interests, and in order to improve and improve existing services and develop new ones.

We warn that all processing of personal data may only be used by persons who have reached the age of 16. It is forbidden to use the system and tools and the resulting data processing of users below that age limit without the appropriate consent of parents/guardians. If data processing takes place despite this, we will stop it as soon as we learn about it and delete the data of such persons.

What is the legal basis for processing personal data? 

The mentioned personal data are absolutely necessary in order to provide a high-quality service that is the basis of the collection of personal data, and therefore the processing of such personal data is legal because actions are taken at the request of the Service User. 

If we have collected and processed your personal data with your consent, you can withdraw it at any time. Withdrawal of your consent will not affect the legitimacy of any processing undertaken by us prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect the processing of your personal data carried out in accordance with the legal basis of processing, other than those to which you have consented. The User can withdraw the consent at any time by sending a notification to the e-mail address of the manager of personal data processing

With whom is the collected personal data shared? and DeeP Project will not share the User’s personal data with other parties, except with those parties at whose request the personal data were collected, or from which the personal data were received, except in cases and situations when the regulations require it.

We may share your personal data with other parties (hereinafter: “processors”) who will provide us with certain services and will have to process your personal data. If the user does not agree with such sharing of personal data, it cannot be carried out.

Period in which personal data will be stored and DeeP Project store the User’s personal data for the period while the purpose of processing is achieved, and at the latest after the expiration of all legal obligations related to the storage of personal data and until consent is withdrawn, i.e. until the moment when we request the renewal of consent, and the User no longer wishes to give it.

Access, correction and deletion (right to be forgotten) of personal data

If you want to access, correct, update or request deletion of your personal data, or object to the processing of your personal data, ask us to limit the processing of your personal data, you can do so at any time via the email address

The right to object 

If, despite all the measures taken to protect personal data, you believe that you have grounds for a complaint, contact the email address

Of course, you have the right to report to the supervisory authority, the Personal Data Protection Agency.

Security measures for the protection of personal data  
The collected data is in electronic form and protected by an SSL certificate that encrypts the data and thus ensures that the communication between the User’s computer and and DeeP Project takes place using a secure protocol. and DeeP Project take data protection seriously and take various precautions to protect personal data. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet, or any wireless network, can be 100% secure. As a result, although and DeeP Project implement reasonable data protection measures, they cannot guarantee the protection of any information transmitted to/or from the Website and are not responsible for the actions of any third party that receives such information. and DeeP Project can decide to store personal data with service providers within the EU, and only exceptionally outside the EU. This will only be done if there is a European Commission decision on adequacy for that country and if a guarantee and compliance with binding regulations on the protection of personal data has been agreed upon.

Privacy policy updates 
This privacy policy can be changed by and DeeP Project at any time by publishing the amended text of the privacy policy on the website. That is why and DeeP Project invite Users to periodically review this privacy policy, where new changes will be marked, if there were any in the previous period. If the User does not agree with this privacy policy, we instruct the User to leave and not access or use the Website. Changes to the privacy policy take effect immediately after publication on the website. Continued use of the Website by the User after the changes come into effect implies that the User confirms and accepts the amended privacy policy.

Rules on handling “cookies”

Cookies and other tracking technologies can be used on the website in various ways, for example to make the website work, for traffic analysis or for marketing purposes. 

A cookie is a small piece of data that a website stores on a visitor’s computer or mobile device. A cookie allows the website to “remember” the visitor’s actions from previous visits. Most browsers allow the use of cookies, but the user can delete them at any time or prohibit their storage in the browser. The most common reasons for using cookies are: identification of visitors, remembering specific user preferences, assistance in entering information that has already been entered during previous visits, collecting data for analysis and promotional campaigns. Cookies can be classified as:
Temporary cookies (Session cookies) – are stored on the computer and are automatically deleted after closing the web browser. They allow the website to obtain temporary data, such as comments or shopping cart status.
Persistent cookies – They remain in your web browser even after closing and usually have an expiration date. and DeeP Project use permanent cookies to facilitate access for registered Users. They store information such as username and password, which allows you to use the “remember me” functionality when logging in, so that you do not have to enter your username and password every time you visit the website.
First-party cookie – these come from the website you have visited and can be temporary or permanent. They allow websites to save data that is used when the user visits the website again.

Third-party cookies – there are several external services that store limited cookies for the user (Facebook, Instagram, Google Analytics and AdWords). These cookies are not set by and DeeP Project and most often serve as an aid in interpreting user behavior and marketing purposes. 

What options are available to you?

In the settings of browsers such as Edge, Safari, Firefox or Chrome, you can determine which cookies you want to accept and which you will reject. The place where you can find the settings depends on the type of your browser. Use the “help” option in your browser to find the settings you need. If you choose the option not to accept certain cookies, you may not be able to use certain functions on the website.